Smart handles for internal and external doors. Easy to install, or as a replacement for traditional systems, they utilize keyless technology and are easy to program, even remotely.
Keyless entrance access and online management
Durable, reliable, and high-quality, SmartHandles are an intelligent solution from every perspective.
They come in many versions, to satisfy any need.
They are the ideal solution, in terms of convenience and security, for hotels, tourist resorts, B&Bs, companies, hospitals, rest homes, schools, and, more generally, any structure that requires authorization to enter. Secure and programmable, entrance access is managed remotely, in real time, from a central location, to enable reusable cards or transponders.

Programmable access
Maximum comfort for guests and users
The SmartHandle relies on an easy-to-use management system to activate authorized keys via computer or smartphone, even remotely.
Entering hotel rooms, classrooms, laboratories, or buildings is quick and easy since the programming of reusable cards or transponders is managed remotely. In this way, it’s possible to schedule and modify multiple entrances via smartphone, tablet, or computer, according to permission and timing. You’ll have everything under control, and users will be free to move around.
It is possible to:
Automate key activation
Assign temporary access to one or more rooms
Authorize access to multiple doors using the same card
Enable wireless door monitoring
Instantly block lost keys without changing the locks
Optimized anti-burglary security
SmartHandle is suitable for all door types.
The essential, elegant design and attention to details and materials, as well as the varied colour selection make SmartHandle perfect for all settings.
Beautiful to observe and easy to use, they blend seamlessly into all sites. They can be fitted onto the doors of already existing buildings, or new constructions, and they adapt to the thickness of the door, the distance, and the specific handle frame. The handle can be mounted on the right or left.
Non-invasive Snap-In installation
Avantgarde technology perfectly integrable with all locations
Fully functional without wires, can be installed in just a few minutes
No need to modify pre-existing systems